Personal Development

We have a comprehensive programme of study designed to cover economic wellbeing, careers and enterprise education, and education for personal safety, including assessing and managing risk. This is regularly reviewed and adapted to local, national and global developments.

Sessions are planned under each of the Core Themes below:

 Core Theme 1

Health and Wellbeing

Core Theme 2


Core Theme 3

Living in the Wider World


  • Self-concept
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Healthy lifestyles (KS3)
  • Health-related decisions (KS4)
  •  Drugs, Alcohol and tobacco
  • Managing risk and personal safety
  •  Puberty and sexual health (KS3)
  • Sexual health and fertility (KS4)


  • Positive relationships
  • Relationship values
  • Forming and maintaining respectful relationships
  • Consent
  • Contraception and parenthood
  • Bullying, abuse and discrimination
  • Social influences


  • Learning skills
  • Choices and pathways
  • Work and career
  • Employment rights and responsibilities
  • Financial choices
  • Media literacy and digital literacy

At Key Stage 3, students build upon previous knowledge and understanding, skills, personal attributes and values. This curriculum addresses the changes that young people experience during the secondary phase of their education: KS2-3 transition; the challenges of adolescence and increasing independence. They are equipped with the knowledge and skills to prepare them for later life.

At Key Stage 4, students deepen their previous knowledge and understanding; develop their skills and further explore personal attributes and values to ensure they are fully prepared for life beyond school as an adult, and to ensure they are independent, productive and positive contributors to society.

From September 2020, PSHE became statutory for all schools under the Children and Social Work Act (2017). This includes Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. The content that we deliver is based on the Department for Education (DfE) Statutory Guidance for Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education in June 2019. 

Personal Development covers statutory Relationships and Sex Education [RSE], Personal, Social, Health and Economic [PSHE] education and Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance [CEIAG].